Health Services

Safety Office


 It is the mission of the Safety Office to maintain complete oversight of the occupational health and safety programs and support the entire Camp Lejeune complex by providing comprehensive surveys of work and anticipating, recognizing, evaluating, and making recommendations to control and/or eliminate potential workplace exposures to chemical, biological and physical hazards.

Employee Rights

  • To work in a safe and healthful place
  • To report unsafe or unhealthful work conditions
  • To decline to work in an unsafe environment
  • To request safety inspections
  • To present problems to the Environmental Council
  • To review copies of NAVOSH standards, records of safety and health committees and their actions and recommendations, and other various documents on the Command safety and occupational health program.

Employee Responsibilities

  • Comply with NAVOSH standards and all applicable rules, regulations, and orders.
  • Report recognized workplace hazards.
  • Report immediately to their supervisor any injuries, occupational illness, or property damage resulting from a mishap.

Supervisor's Responsibilities

  • Set the example
  • Conduct inspections
  • Acknowledge safety behavior
  • Investigate and report mishaps
  • Enforce safety rules and regulations
  • Correct unsafe/unhealthful conditions
  • Provide personal protective equipment
  • Report all mishaps to the Safety Office
  • At all levels, the immediate supervisor has the greatest influence on mishap and hazard reporting.

Hazardous Materials

  • Evaluate chemicals utilized – consider substitution with safer products if possible
  • Inform all employees before their initial assignment or whenever a new hazardous chemical is introduced into their work area
  • Train employees how to obtain and use a MSDS
  • Train employees how to identify and protect themselves from chemical hazards
  • Train employees how to recognize the physical and health hazards of chemicals in their Workspace
  • Document all training

Contact Us


7 a.m.–4 p.m.
Weekends & Holidays




Bldg NH-100
Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.