Patient Resources

MHS GENESIS - the new electronic health record


MHS GENESIS is the new Electronic Health Record that provides you and your doctors enhanced, secure technology to manage your health information. When fully deployed, MHS GENESIS will be the single health record for service members, veterans, and their families. Learn More about MHS GENESIS.

What is the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal?


The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal is a secure website available 24/7 that gives you access to your health information. Through the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, you can:

  • View health information
  • Communicate securely with providers
  • Request prescription renewals
  • View notes from your clinical visits and certain lab/test results, such as blood tests
  • Book primary care appointments

The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal has replaced the TRICARE Online Secure Patient Portal.

Establishing a DS LOGON and accessing MHS GENESIS Patient Portal

To create and then access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, please visit the DS LOGON web page.

  • If you do not have a common access card (CAC) or a MyPay account, you will need to create a DS Logon account to access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal.
  • Click the “Email Registration” option after selecting Create Account.
  • To ensure MHS GENESIS can confirm your identity and provide the highest levels of cyber security and safeguards of your health information, you will be required to complete a brief verification process. You will be provided 3 minutes to complete a 4-question quiz to verify your identity. Responses may include providing your DOD ID number (found on your military ID Card), and some personal information including financial questions, past addresses, etc. Use the email that is already registered with DEERS. Each person must have their own email registered with DEERS to create their account.
  • You will create your MHS GENESIS Patient Portal password in the online registration process. A new password will need to be created every 60 days.
  • Once you have successfully created your DS Logon, click on "Upgrade To Premium Account" to upgrade your account to Premium Access to view your health information.
  • TRICARE Online is being decommissioned. Please visit the site before 1 April 2025 to download any records that are not available on the Patient Portal.

For Questions regarding DS Logon

  • Contact the Defense Manpower Data Center 1-800-538-9552
  • Note: When using a non-Department of Defense (DOD) computer, you may receive an error message. Click “Proceed” or “Continue” to access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. Although you receive the error message, your MHS GENESIS Patient Portal is secure.

Scheduling Appointments Online

You can now schedule primary care appointments with Family Medicine and the Pediatrics Clinic appointments online through the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal! 
When logged into your portal, click “Appointments.” You will have the option to schedule by provider or by visit reason. If you search by “Visit Reason,” select either “Primary Care" or “Pediatric Primary Care.” Find your team and follow prompts to schedule!
Please note, this option is only active for primary care appointments with Family Medicine and Pediatrics at this time. As soon as more options become available, we will update!
Access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal now.


Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!